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Advertise with Sports Car Digest

Advertise with Sports Car DigestWith 2010 advertising campaigns being finalized, we’d like to suggest Sports Car Digest as an advertising partner for your company in the coming year.

In a very short time period (and thanks to you), Sports Car Digest has become a leading international online journal for sports, racing and vintage car enthusiasts.

Sports Car Digest meets the expectations of its informed, educated and affluent audience with current and timely auction, event and vintage car racing coverage, in addition to profiles on the history of classic cars, drivers and the most unforgettable races.

Advertising Highlights

Whether promoting an event or product, raising brand awareness or driving sales, Sports Car Digest has advertising opportunities to support your online strategies and help your message make a serious impact.

Sports Car Digest offers:

** High click-thru rates and impactful placements
** Comprehensive campaign reporting
** Unlimited banner options
** Informed, educated, affluent and highly concentrated traffic
** Programs to fit all budgets
** Promotion within weekly opt-in newsletter

Multiple Advertising Options

We offer a number of advertising products to suit a variety of budgets, from banner ads on the site and/or newsletter or within our new Cars for Sale site. We can tailor campaigns to fit any price by creating advertisements based on the number of impressions or within a time range, allowing every conceivable budget to advertise, whether $50 or $50,000.

Advertisers can focus their impressions based upon a number of factors, including targeting advertising impressions to a particular geographical area, whether by Country, State or Region, Metro or City. For example: an exclusive offer only for readers located in Italy, Germany and the United States.

We welcome you to discover how your business can benefit from advertising on Sports Car Digest. To receive our latest Media Kit and Rate Card, please contact us at