During the 1970s, John Greenwood’s “Stars and Stripes” Corvettes showcased Chevrolet’s growing dominance in international racing, keeping the American Sports...
A young Art Center College of Design student, named Peter Elbert Brock, became the youngest designer ever hired by Bill...
The 1963 Corvette Sting Ray holds a special place in automotive history as it ushered in the second generation of America’s Sports Car. Designed by Bill Mitchell and Larry Shinoda, this Corvette featured a sleek and aerodynamic design, riding on a revamped chassis with the groundbreaking four-wheel independent suspension, a...
The ninth show will be the biggest yet Galpin Motors will host the San Fernando Valley’s biggest auto show on...
The Shelby 427 Cobra’s sustained dominance on the racetrack forced Chevrolet engineers to respond with a 427-cubic-inch engine for the...
One of the Petersen Automotive Museum’s latest exhibits, “Corvettes in Competition: Racing America’s Sports Car,” continues to create quite a buzz. The collection revisits the history of the most iconic Corvette race cars to celebrate Corvette’s 70th anniversary. The display showcases the evolution of Chevrolet’s legendary sports car, from its...
The first Z06 was actually an option package first offered with the 1963 Corvette. The package was developed by Corvette’s legendary...
The L88 was a special option package developed under the direction of Zora Arkus-Duntov, director of GM’s performance division. First introduced in 1967, the L88 Corvette featured a...
The Cheetah was meant to be a Cobra-killer. It was Corvette powered, with a custom-designed chassis and suspension. Watch the mighty Cheetah in action as it goes up the hillclimb course at Goodwood and enjoy the beautiful symphony of its mighty V8 engine....
The introduction of the Sting Ray in 1963 sent shockwaves through the North American sports car market, causing a sensation...
While generally held in September (season finale), this year’s INDYCAR Firestone Grand Prix of Monterey was moved to June. With...
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