The son of a wealthy Tennessee family, Pete Kreis had grown up during the time that European manufacturers dominated automobile...
First Principles: The Official Biography of Keith Duckworth By Norman Burr While we’ve had to wait a little longer than...
In remembering and memorializing John Fitch upon the occasion of his death, Vintage Racecar has produced this brief photographic summary of his racing career. John FitchPhoto: Mercedes-Benz Before, after and during that career, however, John Fitch was much more than a racing driver. He served as pilot of both Light...
There are cars, and there are cars. Some come and stay, many come and pass on. A few appear briefly...
Coppa Intereuropa organizer Jason Wright will shake up this year’s Monza meeting, scheduled for June 1–3, with a four-hour race...
1924 Bugatti Type 13 While many racing cars of the Edwardian period and the early 1920s and 1930s were huge—behemoths to some, especially on dirt-covered roads—there were equally a corresponding number that were miniscule in comparison, many almost fragile in appearance. At first some of these small cars suffered ridicule...